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Yan Lin 571

15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Proviewland is a company where you can choose from many houses until u have found a nice house to live. It’s the service with 100% Free for Tenants.
We maintenance during the time you live, Whenever you are looking for a Place to Rent in Ho Chi Minh City (such as District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 7, District 11, Binh Thanh District, Phu Nhuan District, Tan Binh District),
You can order many other services from us such as House keeper, cleaning service, renew visa, buy ticket, rent car, rent motorbike, etc., “Asking from you, doing from Us”.
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