Building for sale in District 1, corner of 2 meters of Le Thanh Ton, 1 basement + 10 floors, 11x17m of land, price 350 billion vnd

Ho Chi Minh, District 1, Ben Nghe
Sale: ₫ 350 billion
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Listing ID: 019386b0-0c73-7772-824e-32a72dffd61d

Office for sale in Ben Nghe, Ho Chi Minh

Building for sale in District 1, corner of 2 frontages on Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Area 11x17m, recognized area 178m2.
- Structure 1 basement + ground floor + mezzanine + 8 floors + terrace
- Located in the most expensive golden core location in the center of District 1, 50m away is Nguyen Hue walking street, 5 minutes walk to Bach Dang wharf, high-speed train line, full amenities around.
Selling price: 350 billion vnd ~ 1.96 billion vnd/m2 (Please note that the selling price may increase or decrease, or stop selling, depending on market demand and the homeowner)
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Details on Annie Lin 568

Listing provided by Annie Lin 568, 15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Annie Lin 568 has 14,581 other listings.

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Ho Chi Minh, District 1, Ben Nghe
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