Commercial property for lease, ~200m2. 2 floors. Only Vnd 75mill/month, on 📍Thao Dien, HCMC.. Great for cafe, bar, restaurant.

Ho Chi Minh, District 2, Thao Dien
Rent: ₫ 75,000,000 / month
Commercial for rent in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh
Full description

Listing ID: CL23104

Commercial for rent in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh

Commercial property for lease, ~200m2. 2 floors. Only Vnd 75mill/month, on 📍Thao Dien, HCMC.. Great for cafe, bar, restaurant.

📍 Close to apartment buildings namely: Masteri Thao Dien, Gateway… nearby to other bars, cafes, restaurants…

📍in walking distance to Internal schools, villa compounds

🚘 10m-wide main road with easy car access

💎Already built so it is convenient for you to fit out
💎 Great for cafe, bar, restaurant…

• Rental price:
Vnd 75mill/month excl VAT

• Deposit:
3 months

• Rental payment:
every month

Available now
Code CL23102

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📍84 Xuân Thuỷ, Thảo Điền, Thủ Đức, Tp HCM

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Listing provided by Le Estates Vietnam, 33/2 Đường Quốc Hương, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Le Estates Vietnam has 373 other listings.

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Ho Chi Minh, District 2, Thao Dien
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