Dai Quang Minh townhouse for rent

Ho Chi Minh, District 2, Binh Trung Tay
Rent: ₫ 113,000,000 / month
5 Bedroom Townhouse for rent in Binh Trung Tay, Ho Chi Minh
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Listing ID: 3bdded89-5854-45b1-8687-cd121295f44f

5 Bedroom Townhouse for rent in Binh Trung Tay, Ho Chi Minh

Commercial townhouses in the Sala metropolitan area are convenient for every business activity with added value each day. Located along Nguyen Co Thach street (44.7m wide) intersection with Mai Chi Tho Avenue (100 m wide) - two existing arterial roads of Thu Thiem New Urban Center and Urban Area Market Sala
⛳ Convenient to connect with Saroma villas, luxury apartment projects, international schools, cultural houses, sport centers and landscape parks in Sala urban area.
Apartment for rent in Sala Dai Quang Minh District 2 with price:
???? 7 Dai Quang Minh townhouse for rent, ​​SH04-x, area of 114sqm (5.7x20m), housing area of ​​383.2sqm (excluding the basement area). Rental price: $5000 / month
???? Dai Quang Minh townhouse for rent, SH10-x, area 205sqm (6.8x29.7m), housing area 703.3sqm (excluding the area of ​​the tunnel). Price: $10,000 / month
???? Dai Quang Minh townhouse for rent, SH10-x, area of ​​ 205sqm (6.8x29.7m), housing area 644.4sqm (excluding the area of ​​tunnel). Rental price: $7,000 / month
???? Dai Quang Minh townhouses rent, SH2-x, area 192sqm (6.8x28.5m), housing area of ​​599.2sqm (excluding the area of ​​the tunnel). Rental price: $7,000 / month
???? Different from the traditional townhouse architecture, the townhouse in the urban area of ​​Sala converge the essence of creating a modern and convenient business space with a comfortable lifestyle and class in harmony with nature.???? The pavement is 8m wide and adjacent to the 4m wide commercial corridor, forming a busy, busy commercial street.???? Flexible design suitable for different types of business, can combine multiple adjacent.???? The basement has common corridors and corridors (7m wide) - but separate parking areas for each unit.???? Each unit has its own lift location.???? Two-faceted townhouses are designed to optimize their functions, bringing life to harmony with nature.
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Listing provided by Proview Real Estate, 15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Proview Real Estate has 8,993 other listings.

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Ho Chi Minh, District 2, Binh Trung Tay
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