Selling Verosa villa Khang Dien, 1 ground + 3 floors, price list updated 7/2020

Ho Chi Minh, District 9, Phu Huu
Sale: ₫ 18.54 billion
4 Bedroom Villa for sale in Verosa Park, Phu Huu, Ho Chi Minh
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Listing ID: 538df7d0-2748-463a-9ce7-65ccad557957

4 Bedroom Villa for sale in Verosa Park, Phu Huu, Ho Chi Minh

Hello, you are looking to buy a townhouse in Q9 - where Verosa Park is a perfect residence choice with a high standard of living and luxury. With the high-class compound compound at Q9 Verosa Park that has been successfully launched, there are currently only 27 townhouses - villas, very rare quantities.FINANCIAL SUPPORT PROGRAM:1. / CK 18% / year for the payment amount in excess of the standard payment schedule, calculated on the number of payment days before the due date2. / DO NOT borrow interest, DO NOT pay the principal for 12 months. The maximum loan amount is interest rate support of 65% of the Selling Price (After Tax) and the maximum loan term of 20 years3. / Loans WITHOUT interest rates for 24 months. Loan amount eligible for interest rate support up to 50% of the Sale Price (After Tax) and the maximum loan term of 5 years4. / 3% preferential interest rate loan for 24 months. The maximum loan amount is interest rate support of 65% of the Selling Price (After Tax) and the maximum loan term of 5 years**** PRICE FROM EACH HOUSE, VEROSA PARK VILLA- Apartment F13, area: 8x22m, land area: 161.2m2, floor area of ​​construction: 239.2m2. Price: VND 18.54 billion ~ VND 77.5 million / m2- Apartment F18, area: 6m x 18.5m, land area: 116.4m2, construction floor area: 233.1m2. Price: 13.98 billion ~ 60 million VND / m2- Apartments G11, G12, area: 6x18m, land area: 108m2, construction floor area: 225.1m2. Price: 13.39 billion ~ 59.5 million / m2- Apartments, A10, area: 5mx21.3m, land area: 106.9m2, construction floor area: 218.4m2. Price: VND 11,935 billion ~ VND 54.6 million / m2- Apartment A12, land area: 121m2, construction floor area: 238.8m2. Price: 13.44 billion ~ 65 million VND / m2- Apartment A13, land area: 5 × 24.6m, area: 123.5m2, construction floor area: 238.8m2. Price: VND 13.68 billion ~ VND 57.2 million / m2- Apartment A14, area: 7.1 × 24.8m, land area: 177m2, floor area used: 242.1m2. Price: VND 17.27 billion ~ VND 71.3 million / m2- Apartments E31, E37, E40, E41, E46, E48, E49, E50, E51, E52, area: 6m x 17.4m, land area: 104.1m2, construction floor area: 207.4m2. Price: 13.18 billion ~ 63.5 million VND / m2
- Apartment E54, area: 6 × 18.3m, land area: 112m2, construction floor area: 207.4m2. Price: 13.44 billion ~ 64.8 million VND / m2
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About Verosa Park

Lien Phuong Street, Phu Huu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

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Details on Annie Lin 568

Listing provided by Annie Lin 568, 15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Annie Lin 568 has 14,643 other listings.

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