Lakeview City townhouse for sale in District 2, including 5 floors, 5x20m, 3Brs, 4WCs

Hồ Chí Minh, Quận 2, An Phú
Giá bán: ₫ 13.651 tỷ
Cần bán nhà riêng 3 phòng ngủ tại An Phú, Quận 2, Hồ Chí Minh
Mô tả chi tiết

ID tin rao: 81663

Cần bán nhà riêng 3 phòng ngủ tại An Phú, Quận 2, Hồ Chí Minh

Lakeview City townhouse for sale has an area of ​​5x20m (construction area - 261.9m2), built 1 ground + 3 floors + attic, modern design, luxurious style but spacious with 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 church room, a living room of about 30m2 with kitchen and dining table. Create a very comfortable space. >> The villa has a terrace with a large view and a convenient car parking space. The most strikingly true to the name of Lakeview project is the 3.6-hectare ecological lake and large park area, which plays a role in regulating the climate and creating landscapes. There is a full range of internal facilities: shopping center, entertainment, health care, children's play area, swimming pool, sports and community activities, tight security system ... Lakeview City brings a comfortable, classy living space to residents. Lakeview City urban area is invested in a cluster of schools of international standards, ensuring a civilized and quality living environment for residents. Lakeview City townhouses have been bringing fresh, comfortable, and separate life. Worthy of the upper class. Price: 13.5 billion vnd ~ $578,158 Internal utilities in Lakeview city: + Park. + Shopping center: supermarkets, restaurants, coffee. + Swimming pool. + GYM Department according to international standards. + Health care area. + 3.6ha wide landscape lake. + 4 tennis courts. + School follows international standards. $578,158 + Metro station. + Primary and secondary schools in the area. + Vincom Mega Mall, Parkson, Big C, An Phu metro, Central Mart - Vista supermarket. + District 2 Hospital, Phuc An Khang.
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Chi tiết về Công ty Proviewland

Tin rao đăng bởi Công ty Proviewland, 15 Đường Số 4, Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Công ty Proviewland có tổng cộng 8,993 tin rao khác.

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Hồ Chí Minh, Quận 2, An Phú
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